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   Day  Six


伍 真正、內在的福音,乃是神要在基督裏將祂自己作到我們裏面 撒下2 Sam. 7:12-14上,羅Rom. 1:1-4, 9

V.  The genuine and intrinsic gospel is that God intends to work Himself in Christ into us:


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   Day  Five

2 被標出之過程的關鍵是復活,就是內住的基督作為我們靈裏興起的靈,標出的靈,生命的能力 John 11:25; Rom. 8:10-11;Acts 2:24; 林前1 Cor. 15:26; 5:4

The key to the process of designation is res­urrection, which is the indwelling Christ as the rising-up Spirit, the designating Spirit, the power of life in our spirit:


a 我們急切需要學習如何照著靈而行,享受並經歷那標出的靈 Rom. 8:4, 6,14

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   Day  Four

肆 『大衛的後裔要成為神的兒子』,也是說到我們藉著復活被標出為神眾子的過程 Heb. 2:10-11

IV.  The seed of David becoming the Son of God speaks also of the process of our being des­ignated the many sons of God by resurrec­tion:


一 基督已經被標出為神的兒子,但我們仍在標出的過程中,就是在得以子化,得以成為神的過程中 Rom. 8:28-29

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   Day  Three


四 在復活裏,基督的人性成為神聖的,得以子化,意思是說,祂被標出為神的兒子,成為神的長子,兼有神性和人性 Rom. 8:29

D.  In resurrection His humanity was deified, son­ized, meaning that He was designated the Son of God, becoming the firstborn Son of God with both divinity and humanity.


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   Day  Two

貳 神永遠經綸的福音乃是那給祖宗之應許的福音,(徒13:32,)就是應許大衛的後裔要成為神的兒子,也就是說,人的後裔要成為神聖的兒子。(vv. 22-23, 33-34; 26:6, 16-19; 2 Sam. 7:12-14上,Rom. 1:3-4; Matt. 22:41-45。)

II.  The gospel of God’s eternal economy is “the gospel of the promise made to the fathers” (Acts 13:32) - the promise that the seed of David would become the Son of God, that is, that a human seed would become a divine Son.


參 『大衛的後裔要成為神的兒子』,是說到基督藉著復活被標出為神長子的過程 Rom. 8:29

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   Day One


壹 真正、內在、最高品、最全備的福音乃是神經綸的福音,就是兒子名分的福音,為著將神建造到人裏面,並將人建造到神裏面,以建造召會作基督的身體 提前1 Tim. 1:3-4;Eph. 3:8-11, 16-19;

Rom. 1:3-4; 8:29; 12:5; 撒下2 Sam. 7:12-14上:

I.  The genuine, intrinsic, highest, and fullest gos­pel is the gospel of God’s economy-the gospel of sonship for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ by the building of God into man and man into God:

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第十二週  Week  Twelve



The Genuine, Intrinsic, Highest, and

 Fullest Gospel of God’s Economy

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   Day  Six


七 馬利亞為主的安葬,豫先膏主的身體 ─ 8節下:

G.  Mary anointed the Lord’s body “beforehand for the burial” (v. 8b):


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   Day  Five

四 主是要我們在凡事上讓祂居第一位 Mark 14:7

D.  The Lord desires that we allow Him to have the first place in all things:


1 在我們的愛裏,在我們三部分的人裏,在我們基督徒生活和召會生活裏,在我們個人宇宙中的每一件事上,主耶穌都該居第一位,居首位 12:30; 14:7; 西Col. 1:18; 3:4, 11, 17

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   Day  Four


貳 福音的目標乃是要我們像馬利亞一樣,『她作了她所能的,』我們也要把我們所最寶貝的,甚至把我們最貴重、最有價值的屬靈珍寶,澆在主耶穌身上,把我們自己『枉費』在祂身上 Matt. 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9

II.  The goal of the gospel is that, like Mary, who did “what she could,” we would pour out upon the Lord Jesus what is most precious to us, even our most costly and valuable spiritual treasure, “wasting” ourselves upon Him:


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   Day  Three


五 客觀的信仰產生主觀的信 Gal. 1:23; 2:20; 3:1-2, 5

E.   The objective faith produces subjective faith:


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   Day  Two

三 加拉太書給我們看見,以信仰為福音之啟示的一些基本原則 1: 11- 12, 23; 2:5, 14

C.  Galatians gives us a revelation of the faith as the gos­pel in certain basic principles:


1 墮落的人不能本於行律法得稱義 ─ 16節上。

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   Day One


壹 我們該像保羅一樣,將信仰當作福音傳揚 Gal. 1:23

I.  Like Paul, we should announce the faith as the gospel:


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第十一週  Week  Eleven


The Faith as the Gospel and the Goal of the Gospel


讀經Scripture Reading:Gal. 1:23; 6: 10; 提前1 Tim. 1:4; Jude 3;

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  -                 654

Service - Of The Spirit


F大調                                          4/4


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   Day  Six

柒 我們在福音上為主工作勞苦,不是憑我們天然的生命和才幹,乃是憑主復活的生命和大能;復活乃是我們事奉神的永遠原則 Num. 17:8; 林前1 Cor. 15:10, 58; 16:10

VII.  Our work and labor for the Lord in the gospel is not by our natural life and natural ability but by the Lord’s resurrection life and power; resurrection is the eternal principle in our serv­ice to God:


一 賜生命的靈乃是三一神的實際,復活的實際,以及基督身體的實際

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   Day  Five


陸 我們要在神兒子的福音上事奉神,就需要看見我們是在肉體裏的人,一無價值,只配死與埋葬 這乃是跟隨主的榜樣,盡全般的義,而進入時代的職事 Matt. 3:13-17; 21:32

VI.  In order to serve God in the gospel of His Son, we need to see that we are men in the flesh, worthy of nothing but death and burial - this is to follow the Lord’s pattern to fulfill all righteousness and enter into the ministry of the age:


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   Day  Four


肆 『神是靈;敬拜祂的,必須在靈和真實裏敬拜』John 4:24

IV.  “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truthfulness”:


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   Day  Three


六 保羅被分別出來歸於神的福音,這福音乃是羅馬書的主題;羅馬書可視為第五卷福音書 1:1; 2:16; 16:25

F.  The gospel of God, unto which Paul was separated, is the subject of the book of Romans; the book of Romans may be regarded as the fifth gospel:


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