
   Day  Five

2 被標出之過程的關鍵是復活,就是內住的基督作為我們靈裏興起的靈,標出的靈,生命的能力John 11:25; Rom. 8:10-11;Acts 2:24; 林前1 Cor. 15:26; 5:4

The key to the process of designation is res­urrection, which is the indwelling Christ as the rising-up Spirit, the designating Spirit, the power of life in our spirit:


a 我們急切需要學習如何照著靈而行,享受並經歷那標出的靈Rom. 8:4, 6,14

We urgently need to learn how to walk according to the spirit, to enjoy and expe­rience the designating Spirit.


b 我們越摸著那靈,就越被聖別、變化、模成、榮化,而在生命和性情上(但不在神格上)成為神,以建造基督的身體,終極完成新耶路撒冷 -林前1 Cor. 12:3;Rom. 10:12-13; 8:15-16; Gal. 4:6

The more we touch the Spirit, the more we are sanctified, transformed, conformed, and glorified to become God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead for the building up of the Body of Christ to con­summate the New Jerusalem.


四 我們越在生命裏長大,並經過新陳代謝的變化過程,就越被標出為神的兒子林後2 Cor. 3:18, 6, 16; 5:4, 9,14-15; 1:12; 12:7-9

D.  The more we grow in life and pass through the metabolic process of transformation, the more we are designated the sons of God:


1 這新陳代謝的過程,乃是建造召會作為基督的身體和神的家;這是藉著將神建造到人裏面,並將人建造到神裏面Rom. 12:2;Eph. 1:22-23; 2:20-22

This metabolic process is the building up of the church as the Body of Christ and the house of God by the building of God into man and man into God.


2 人性要在神性裏標明出來,神性和人性要調和為一;今天,我們這些人的後裔,正在神建造的過程中,好在神性裏成為神的兒子。

Humanity is designated in divinity, and di­vinity and humanity are blended as one; today, we, seeds of humanity, are becoming sons of God in divinity through the process of God’s building.


3 這建造要終極完成於新耶路撒冷這偉大的團體神人,就是神眾子的集大成與總和Rev. 21:7

This building will consummate in the New Jerusalem as a great, cor-

porate God-man, the aggregate, the totality, of all the sons of God.

4 有一天這個過程要完成,我們在靈、魂、體裏都要永遠與神的長子基督一樣約壹1 John 3:2;Rom. 8: 19,23;詩歌764首第2節。

One day this process will be completed, and for eternity we will be the same as Christ, God’s firstborn Son, in our spirit, soul, and body (Hymns, #948, stanza 2).


五 『在神那一面,是三一神成為肉體,來成為人;在我們這一面,是我們成為神,由經過過程並終極完成的三一神所構成,使我們在生命和性情上成為神,作祂團體的彰顯,直到永遠。這是最高的真理,最高的福音』約伯記生命讀經,141頁。

E.   “On God’s side, the Triune God has been incar­nated to be a man; on our side, we are being dei­fied, constituted with the processed and con­summated Triune God so that we may be made God in life and in nature to be His corporate expression for eternity. This is the highest truth, and this is the highest gospel” (Life-study of Job, p. 122).



晨興餧養   Morning  Nourishment


8:10        但基督若在你們裡面,身體固然因罪是死的,靈卻因義是生命。

Rom. 8:10       But if Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is life because of righteousness.


8:11             然而那叫耶穌從死人中復活者的靈,若住在你們裡面,那叫基督從死人中復活的,也必藉著祂住在你們裡面的靈,賜生命給你們必死的身體。

Rom. 8:11       And if the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you.



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