Day  Two

肆 在以弗所書中,『奧祕』是一個重要的辭:

IV.  In Ephesians mystery is a crucial word:


一 在永遠裏神計畫了一個意願,這意願是隱藏在祂裏面的,因此是個奧祕 祂意願的奧祕 1:9

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   Day One


壹 聖經中的基本啟示乃是神奧祕的揭示並照明;為這緣故,聖經說到奧祕的啟示 Rom. 16:25; Eph. 3:3, 5

I.  The basic revelation in the Bible is the unveil­ing, the bringing to light, of God’s mystery; for this reason, the Bible speaks of the revelation of the mystery.


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第九週  Week  Nine


The Mystery of the Gospel


讀經Scripture Reading:Rom. 16:25;Eph.1:9; 3:3-5, 9; 5:32; 6:19;

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Experience Of Christ - As The Good Land

(申命記Deuteronomy 8:7-10)Peculiar Meter(譯自英詩1164 調Tune: #530)


A大調                           6/8

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   Day  Six

7 橄欖樹豫表基督(羅11:1724)是被那靈充滿並為那靈所膏者;(路4:1,18,1:9;)橄欖油豫表聖靈,我們憑這靈行事為人以尊重神,也供應這靈以尊重人。(加Gal. 5:16, 25;林後2 Cor. 3:6, 8;

Judg. 9:9。)

The olive tree typifies Christ (Rom. 11: 17, 24) as the One who was filled with the Spirit and anointed with the Spirit (Luke 4:1, 18; Heb. 1:9); olive oil typifies the Holy Spirit, by whom we walk to honor God and whom we minister to honor man.


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   Day  Five


3 小麥豫表成為肉體的基督,被釘死並埋葬而得以繁增祂自己;(約12:24;)大麥是初熟的穀物,(撒下21:9,)指復活的基督這初熟的果子。(林前15:20。)

Wheat typifies the incarnated Christ, who was crucified and buried to multiply Himself (John 12:24), and barley, being the first-ripe grain (2 Sam. 21:9), points to the resurrected Christ as the firstfruits

(1 Cor. 15:20).

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   Day  Four


肆 神經綸的目標不僅僅是救贖祂的子民,拯救他們脫離埃及所豫表的世界,更是要帶他們進入美地所豫表的基督,使他們可以據有祂,並享受祂那追測不盡的豐富 Exo. 3:8;Deut. 8:7-10;西Col. 1:12; 2:6-7; Eph. 3:8

IV.  God’s goal in His economy is not merely to redeem His people and save them from the world, typified by Egypt, but to bring them into Christ, typified by the good land, so that they may possess Him and enjoy His unsearchable riches:


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   Day  Three


3 我們住在基督裏,以祂為我們的監牢,而活祂,使祂得著顯大,並為著聖徒接受神的異象和屬天的發表,就能享受基督身體全備的供應和祂宇宙的量度 Phil. 1:19-21,Eph. 3:1, 16-18; 4:1

We can enjoy the bountiful supply of the Body of Christ and His universal dimensions when we abide in Christ as our prison to live Him for His magnification and to receive God’s visions and heavenly expressions on behalf of the saints.

4 我們藉著在消耗的壓力和患難中愛祂,就能享受祂內住之同在的寶貝;這些壓力和患難乃是恩典甜美的眷臨和化身,使復活的神將祂自己加到我們裏面 林後2 Cor. 4:7; 1:8-9, 12; 12:7-10;

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   Day  Two

一 正確的傳揚耶穌作好信息、福音,會使人領悟自己是無有,基督是萬有 Isa. 40:15, 17; cf. Phil. 3:7-8

A.  The proper preaching of Jesus as the glad tidings, the gospel, causes people to realize that they are nothing and that Christ is everything.


二 我們的救主耶穌乃是那聖者,永遠的神耶和華,天地的創造主,坐在地的大圈之上;耶穌這位聖者,乃是無限無量、無法測度、無可比擬、且高超的 Isa. 40:12-15,17-18,22,25-26,28; Rom. 1:20;11:34;

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   Day One


壹 使徒保羅享受並傳揚基督的人位同祂追測不盡的豐富為福音,以產生召會作基督的豐滿,作基督的彰顯和滿溢,好照著神永遠計畫,展示基督作為神萬般的智慧 Eph. 3:8-11, 16-19; 1:22-23;Acts 17:3, 18; 26:22上,23; 13:47;Gal. 1:15-16上,腓Phil. 1:18;西Col. 1:27-28,林前1 Cor. 1:24,30

I.   The apostle Paul enjoyed and announced the person of Christ with His unsearchable riches as the gospel to produce the church as the full­ness of Christ, the expression and overflow of Christ, for the exhibition of Christ as the mul­tifarious wisdom of God according to the eter­nal plan of God.


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第八週  Week  Eight


The Unsearchable Riches of Christ as the Gospel


讀經Scripture Reading: Eph. 3:8;林前1 Cor. 1:9, 30; 2:2; 4:1-2;林後2 Cor. 4:7;Deut. 8:7-10;西Col. 1:12; 2:6-7a

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Consecration - Constrained by the Lord’s Love (譯自英詩431)


E大調                                          4/4

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Experience of Christ -  As the All-Sufficient One



A大調                           3/4

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   Day  Six

六 作為信徒,我們藉著運用我們信心的靈,憑信而活,並將基督作為信注入人裏面,(林後4:13,羅10:14-17,徒26:22-29,)使他們被帶到以下與基督生機的關係裏,為著祂的定旨:

F.  As believers, we live by faith and infuse Christ as faith into others by exercising our spirit of faith (2 Cor. 4:13; Rom. 10:14-17; Acts 26:22-29) so that they may be brought into the following organic relationships with Christ for His purpose:


1 基督是栽種的橄欖樹和葡萄樹,我們是祂的枝子 Rom. 11:17,24; John 15:1-8

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  四、五  Day  Four , Five

肆 信徒的信乃是神的救恩在實行上的質實 Heb. 11:1

IV.  The faith of the believers is the substantiation of God’s salvation practically:


一 信徒的信實際上不是他們自己的信,乃是基督進到他們裏面作他們的信 Rom. 1:12; 3:22 and footnote 1; Gal. 2:16 and foot­note 1

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