今天讀了生命讀經第三篇,說到“神的恢復與進一步的創造(一)─過程 ”

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創世記 第 一 章
著者: 摩西,五卷律法書的著者。(申三一9,24,路二四27,44,約一45,五46,徒二八23,林後三15。)

著時: 約於主前一四九○年,與出埃及記同時。(見該書書介。)

著地: 埃及東邊的曠野。

涵蓋時段: 從起初的創造(一1)到主前約一六三五年,約瑟去世之時。(五十26。)

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   Day  Three


參 神的榮耀與基督的成肉體、經人生、釘死、復活、升天、再來,以及祂是新耶路撒冷的燈有關:

III.  The glory of God is involved with Christ’s incar­nation, human

living, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and coming again

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   Day  Two

九 我們觀看並返照主的榮光,就漸漸變化成為主的形像,從榮耀到榮耀 林後2 Cor. 3:18

I.   As we behold and reflect the glory of the Lord, we are being transformed into the Lord’s image from glory to glory.


十 神生機救恩的目標,以及這救恩的最後階段,乃是榮耀 我們的得榮耀 Heb. 2:10; Rom. 8:17, 21, 30

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   Day One


壹 榮耀是神的一個屬性;榮耀是神的彰顯,就是輝煌的彰顯出來的神 Exo. 40:34; Acts 7:55; 彼後2 Pet. 1:3; Rev. 21:11

I.  Glory is an attribute of God; glory is the expres­sion of God, God expressed in splendor.

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第六週  Week  Six


The Gospel of the Glory of Christ


讀經Scripture Reading:林後2 Cor. 4:3-7;提前1 Tim. 1:11

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第五週  Week  Five


The Gospel of Peace


讀經Scripture Reading:John 14:27;Rom. 15:33;Eph. 2:13-17;西Col. 3:15

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   Day  Six


四 新約的執事藉著苦難,享受基督作他們全豐全足的恩典;新約的職事,是由啟示加上苦難所產生的 林後2 Cor. 12:7; 1:3-4,8-10

D.  The new covenant ministers enjoy Christ as their all-sufficient grace through sufferings, and the ministry of the new covenant is produced by reve­lation plus suffering:


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晨興餧養   Morning  Nourishment


林前1:9             神是信實的,你們乃是為祂所召,進入了祂兒子我們主耶穌基督的交通。

1 Cor. 1:9          God is faithful, through whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


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   Day  Four


貳 保羅在他的職事裏,鄭重見證神恩典的福音,將神供應到人裏面;保羅在他的著作裏,向我們揭示神的恩典是甚麼 20:24, 32

II.  Paul, in his ministry, solemnly testified of the gospel of the grace of God to minister God into people; in his writings Paul unveils to us what the grace of God is:


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   Day  Three

六 天天接受恩典,使我們分賜恩典的路,乃是藉著血、話、那靈和召會:

F.   The way to daily receive grace so that we may dis­pense grace is through the blood, the word, the Spirit, and the church:

1 救贖的血,立約的血,神自己的血,將有罪、敗壞的人帶進對神永遠的享受中 20:28;,太Matt. 26:28;Lev. 16:11-16;Heb. 10:19-20;約壹1 John 1:7,9

The redeeming blood, the blood of the cove­nant, God’s own blood, brings sinful, cor­rupted people into the eternal enjoyment of God.

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   Day  Two

五 天天接受恩典使我們湧流恩典的路,乃是轉向靈、運用靈、讓主登寶座 詩歌Hymns, #770首:

E.   The way to daily receive grace so that we may flow out grace is to turn to the spirit, exercise the spirit, and enthrone the Lord:


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   Day One


壹 恩典乃是神自己在基督裏成為那靈賜給我們,被我們得著,並給我們享受;神恩典的福音乃是恩典的管家職分,要將神分賜到人裏面,作他們的享受 John 1:17; Acts 20:24; Eph. 3:2

I.   Grace is God Himself in Christ as the Spirit given to us, gained by us, and enjoyed by US; the gospel of the grace of God is the stewardship of grace to dispense God into people for their enjoyment:


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The Gospel of the Grace of God


讀經Scripture Reading: Acts 20:24, 32;Eph. 3:2; 4:29;林後2 Cor.

                       13:14; 12:9;Gal. 6:18;Rev. 22:21

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   Day  Six


陸 國度的福音要傳遍天下,對萬民作見證,然後末期纔來到

Matt. 24:14

VI.  The gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations before the end of this age:

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