
   Day  Three


伍 住在我們裏面包羅萬有的基督,乃是神經綸的奧祕 -西Col. 1:26-27

V.  The all-inclusive Christ, who indwells us, is the mystery of God’s



一 神新約的經綸像大輪,有基督作它的每一部分祂是神聖經綸的輪軸(中心)、輪輻(支持)和輪輞(圓周) Ezek. 1:15;西Col. 1:17, 18下:

A.  God’s New Testament economy is like a great wheel, having Christ as its every part - He is the hub (the center), the spokes (the support), and the rim (the circumference) of the divine economy:


1 神在祂經綸裏的目的,是要將基督作到祂所揀選的人裏面,好使基督是一切,又在一切之內3: 10-11;Gal. 1: 16上,2:20; 4: 19

God’s intention in His economy is to work Christ into His chosen people so that Christ may be all and in al1.


2 基督是神聖經綸的奧祕、祕訣和關鍵焦點;這意思是說,三一神分賜到神所揀選的人裏面的祕訣,乃是基督自己西Col. 1:25- 28, 17下,18下,2:9

Christ is the mystery, the secret, the crucial focus, of the divine economy; this means that the secret of the dispensing of the Triune God into God’s chosen people is Christ Himself.


3 基督是身體的頭,也是頭的身體;祂是新人一切的肢體,又在一切肢體之內林前1 Cor. 12:12; 西Col. 1:18; 3:10-11

Christ is the Head of the Body and the Body of the Head; He is all the members and in all the members of the new man.


二 歷世歷代以來所隱藏的奧祕,已經向聖徒顯明了;這奧祕就是包羅萬有的基督作內住之榮耀的盼望1:26-27

B.  The mystery hidden from the ages and from the generations has been made manifest to the saints; this mystery is the all-inclusive Christ as the indwelling hope of glory:


1 我們蒙呼召的盼望,乃是榮耀的盼望,就是我們的身體改變形狀,以及神眾子的顯明Eph.1:18b; 4:4下,羅Rom. 8:19, 23-25, 30; Phil. 3:21

The hope of our calling is the hope of glory, which is the transfiguration of our body and the manifestation of the sons of God.

2 那住在我們裏面的基督,乃是那充滿榮耀,帶著無窮豐富的奧祕;我們是照著那作到我們裏面的神榮耀之豐富,得以加強到我們裏面的人裏Eph. 3:8, 14-17上。

The Christ who dwells within us is the mys­tery full of glory, with countless riches; we are being strengthened into our inner man accord­ing to the riches of God’s glory, which are being wrought into us.


3 基督是神經綸的奧祕,住在我們裏面作榮耀的盼望,使我們被變化,從榮耀到榮耀,直到完滿的彰顯神林後2 Cor. 3: 18; Rev. 21: 10-11

Christ as the mystery of God’s economy is in­dwelling us as the hope of glory for our trans­formation from glory to glory unto the full expression of God.



晨興餧養   Morning  Nourishment


西1:26         就是歷世歷代以來所隱藏的奧祕,但如今向祂的聖徒顯明了;

Col. 1:26           The mystery which has been hidden from the ages and from the generations but now has been manifested to His saints;


西1:27               神願意叫他們知道,這奧祕的榮耀在外邦人中是何等的豐富,就是基督在你們裡面成了榮耀的盼望。

Col. 1:27    To whom God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.


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